Saturday, December 21, 2013

Essential Oils for Cold and Flu Season

Wouldn't battle cold and flu symptoms without the following essential oils:
  • Past Tense- (for headaches) A blend of wintergreen, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, cilantro, roman chamomile, marjoram, basil and rosemary
  • Deep Blue- (for muscle tension relief) A blend of wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, german camomile, helichrysum, and osmanthus.
  • Breathe- (for congestion) A blend of laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaluca, lemon and ravensara.
Coming soon along with our line of all-natural cleaning supplies, pet care and body care products to our new store at 1820 Commerce Avenue in Whitefish, Montana and on our website!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Amazing Frankincense!

  • Frankincense, wild orange and bergamot when mixed together can help is an excellent combination when combined with making positive affirmations.
  • White Fir and Frankincense are good for any bone ailments.
  • Frankincense, sandalwood and myrrh when combined are excellent for improving memory.
  • Frankincense when breathed in deeply is an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Opening our new store at 1820 Commerce Avenue in Whitefish, Montana soon! Order custom mixed cleaning products using your favorite essential oil at

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Our Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer Doubles as a Breath Freshener and Mouthwash!

We demoed our upcoming alcohol free hand sanitizer at one of our local health food stores- it doubles as an excellent breath freshener and suger-free mouthwash! Sold in 2 oz. and 16 oz. refillable glass bottles, the handy 2 oz. bottle comes with a spray top and is great to carry around with you or put in kids back packs. Kills 99% of all bacteria and viruses and has a wonderful cinnamon citrus scent!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Reformulated Recipe Cleans and Waxes Natural Wood Better Than Ever!

Maybe I’m a little strange but I just love the smell of furniture polish. Our new recipe is made with wonderful smelling essential oils and natural beeswax. Our new reformulated recipe cleans and moisturizes better than ever! Furniture doesn’t require much to be maintained. Once a month you should polish your natural wood with a good moisturizer and the rest of the month just dust or wipe with a damp microfiber cloth. Do not use water on wood that has not been painted, treated, varnished, or enameled. It can warp and discolor!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Frankincense- the Holy Oil

Frankincense is a holy oil in the Middle East. As an ingredient in the holy oil incense, it was used anciently during sacrificial ceremonies to help improve communication with the creator. We're using it in our atomizers to bless the homes we clean this season!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Essential Oils- A Powerful Key to Releasing Emotional Trauma

Fact- in the limbic system of the brain is a gland called the amygdala. The amygdala plays a major role in the storing and releasing of emotional trauma. The only way to stimulate this gland is with the fragrance of smell. Therefore, essential oils can be a powerful key to help unlock and release emotional trauma. The secret to our cleaning solutions besides is in the therapeutic value of the essential oils that we use! Try our cleaning solutions and we promise you'll never go back

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Helichrysum- "The Natural Band-Aid"- Anti-infectious, Antiviral and Anti-inflammatory

Helichrysum has traditionally been used for its soothing and regenerative effects and has antiallergic, anticoagulant, anti-fungal, and anti-infectious, antiviral and regenerative properties. Yesterday I gashed my hand and immediately applied the helichrysum  to the wound. Voila! Instant nature band-aid and disinfectant! I love essential oils- nature's gifts are "heaven scent"!  

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Aromatic Influence of Therapeutic Quality Lemongrass Essential Oil

Heaven Scent uses therapeutic quality essential oils in all of our products. Our All-Purpose cleaner contains lemongrass essential oil. For use on all surfaces, it's aromatic influence promotes awareness and purification. Enjoy cleaning happier and healthier with Heaven Scent Cleaning Solutions! Visit our website for all of our cleaning products, accessories and services at

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facts About Chemical Cleaners

1 out of every 3 chemical cleaning products contains ingredients known to cause human health or environmental problems

• Commercial cleaning companies are under no legal obligation to research how their products might harm human health.

• The EPA ranks poor indoor air quality among the top five environmental risks to public health.
Interestingly, five out of 10 Americans are not aware of this fact.

• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found the levels of air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher (and sometimes even 100 times higher) than outdoor levels.

• An EPA study concluded that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.

•  A study comparing women who work ouside the home with women who work at home , found a 54% higher risk of developing cancer in women who work at home. The study concluded that this is a direct result of the chemicals in household products.

• On average, poison centers handle one poison call every 1.5 seconds

• 89% of all poison exposures occur in the home

• 92% of exposures involve only one poisonous substance

• 2,403,539 human exposures to poisons were reported in 2006

• 8.9% of the human exposures involved household cleaning substances

• Cleaning substances are the 3rd most common reason for exposure to poison in adults

• 51% of the human exposures to poison in 2006 involved children under 6 years old

• Household cleaning substances are the second most common reason for pediatric exposure to poison

• Unintentional ingestion of toxic household chemicals is associated with an annual average of 39 deaths to children under age 5, and an estimated 87,700 children treated in hospital emergency rooms. These poisoning incidents resulted in an estimated societal cost of almost $2.3 billion.

• Americans generate over 38 million tons of hazardous waste per year 

Try a wonderful, healthier alternative to what you've been using at GREENER * SAFER * LOCALLY MADE

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dont be fooled by the term "Active Ingredients"!

Active ingredient
“Active ingredients” in cleaning products are usually antimicrobial pesticides added to kill bacteria, viruses or molds. Avoid them – they’re hazardous chemicals, and you rarely need them to get your house clean.
Many common dish and hand washing soaps contain the pesticide triclosan. They don’t clean any better than plain soap and water or provide extra protection against illness. But they do wash down the drain, where they are often toxic to aquatic algae, fish and wildlife. Overuse of products containing pesticides can promote development of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and that does endanger our health.

Visit our website for all natural cleaning products you can trust! Free shipping the month of November!

Friday, November 1, 2013

All Natural Heaven Scent Granite Cleaner

Our Heaven Scent Granite Cleaner is more than $.30 an ounce less any granite cleaner on the market. It cleans and shines granite, is totally all-natural and uses a therapeutic essential grade citrus blend of lemon, lime and orange- a refreshing blend for use in the kitchen or anywhere in the house.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Toxic Cleaning Product Facts

Did you know that:

  • More than 95% of cancer is caused by environmental toxicity and diet [Source: Columbia University School of Public Health]
  • The average city water contains more than 500 chemicals [Source: USA Today]
  • Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment. Only a fraction of these have been tested for human toxicity... [Source: Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free]
  • 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. [Source: Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)]
  • Of the chemicals found in personal care products: 884 are toxic, 146 cause tumors, 218 cause reproductive complications, 778 cause acute toxicity, 314 cause biological mutations, 376 cause skin and eye irritations [Source: United States House of Representatives Report, 1989]
  • Out of 2,435 pesticide poisonings in a one-year period, over 40% were due to exposure to disinfectants and similar cleaning products in the home. [Source: State of California Study]

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Many Uses of Heaven Scent Soft Scrub

Heaven Scent Soft Scrub has many uses:

  • Removes stains from porcelain sinks without using bleach!
  • Clean kitchen sinks as usual and rinse down garbage disposals for an amazing fresh deodorizer! The peppermint and wild orange essential oils are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal!
  • Use as a toilet scrub! After scrubbing, close lid and leave for awhile and as it cleans your toilet it will also freshen your bathroom!
  • The oils revive color to black granite sinks! Add an extra TBSP olive oil to your sink when you scrub for even more color and shine!
Visit our website for stores locally or order online at

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Warning for Using Cleaning Products That Use Formaldehyde As a Preservative

The Environmental Working Group has launched an investigation of ingredients added to cleaning products in order to release formaldehyde. Manufacturers of cleaners compound their products with these chemicals knowing they will break down in a gradual time-release manner to generate small amounts of formaldehyde that serve as a preservative to retard the growth of bacteria.

This industry practice may pose health risks for consumers.
The U.S. government and World Health Organization classify inhaled formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen. Skin contact with formaldehyde may cause an allergic reaction. Formaldehyde is a skin sensitizer: repeated exposures increase the chance of having an allergic reaction.
People daily encounter background levels of airborne formaldehyde from vehicle exhaust fumes and other air pollutants. Still, we believe it is prudent for consumers to avoid additional exposure to formaldehyde via cleaning products and personal care items because there is no known safe level of the chemical.

Cleaning product manufacturers can switch to other preservative methods that do not rely on formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals.
While we take a close look at the human health risks posed by the presence of these chemicals in cleaning products, we continue to advise consumers to read labels carefully and seek out products free of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing substances.
The formaldehyde releasers found in many cleaning products include:
  • DMDM hydantoin (trade name Glydant)
  • Bronopol (2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol)
  • Quaternium-15
  • Imidazolidinyl urea
  • Diazolidinyl urea
  • Hydroxymethylglycinate
  • Hexahydro-1,3,5-tris (2-hydroxyethyl)-S-triazine (trade name Grotan)

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Benefits of Essential Oils

  • Essential oils are anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-macrobial, anti-parasitic, anti-infectious, and antiseptic. They may combat infectious disease by killing off viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. Some oils have been shown to destroy all tested viruses and bacteria.
  • The essential oils can act on both the mind and the body. The aroma can be stimulating both psychologically and physically. The aroma can also be very calming and sedating. Inhaling the aroma is very powerful. Aromatic stimuli of the limbic system cause the release of neurotransmitters, including pain-reducing encephalin, pleasure-producing endorphins, relaxing serotonin, and stimulating noradrenaline.
  • Essential oils are some of the most powerful known antioxidants. This is determined by an ORAC test developed by Tuft University.
  • The essential oils are capable of penetrating the cell membranes since they are lipid-soluble. According to Jean Valnet, MD, essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes, and are then metabolized like other nutrients. 
  • Essential oils may detoxify the cells and the blood in the body. 
  • Essential oils have a nice aroma, and they may purify the air by eliminating odors from cooking, animals, mold, bacteria and other sources.
  • Essential oils are small enough that they can penetrate the tissues of the skin.
  • According to researchers at Vienna University, essential oils stimulate blood flow, which increases nutrient and oxygen delivery.
  • One advantage is the many ways essential oils can be administered. Two of the most popular methods of administration are topical application and inhalation. When applied topically and inhaled, the essential oils are almost immediately absorbed into the blood stream. Inhaled oils don’t go through the digestive system, so they work immediately in the body.
  • The essential oils’ versatility makes them fairly inexpensive to use. One bottle goes along way and it can be used for so many things. The same essential oil can be used for skin care, healing, perfume, cleaning, children, pet care, and emotional health.
  • Visit our website at for Heaven Scent Cleaning Solutions made with Certified Therapeutic Grade essential oils. You can also Like US on Facebook at

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Deep Cleaning Log Beams

Twenty feet high deep cleaning log beams is just another day
at Heaven Scent!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cleaning products safe enough to drink!

Ok, I know this is raw...but who wouldn't buy cleaning products that are less expensive than the toxic stuff you've been using and that are safe enough to drink?!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Don't throw away your old Swiffer cleaner bottles!

Here's a great way to recycle your old Swiffer mops and switch to using greener cleaner floor cleaners! In a small pot, bring just enough water to cover the cap to a boil. Once you've brought it to a boil, place the bottle, cap first, into the water. After about a minute and a half, remove the bottle from the water, and give the cap a good, hard twist. It should pop right off as the boiling water will have softened the plastic cap. Just refill and refuse!  Heaven Scent has a great non-toxic floor cleaner that uses anti-bacterial essential oils and works on wood, tile, slate laminate and linoleum floors with no waxy build-up! Visit us at