1 out of every 3 chemical cleaning products contains ingredients known to cause human health or environmental problems
• Commercial cleaning companies are under no legal obligation to research how their products might harm human health.
• The EPA ranks poor indoor air quality among the top five environmental risks to public health.
Interestingly, five out of 10 Americans are not aware of this fact.
• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found the levels of air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher (and sometimes even 100 times higher) than outdoor levels.
• An EPA study concluded that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.
• The EPA ranks poor indoor air quality among the top five environmental risks to public health.
Interestingly, five out of 10 Americans are not aware of this fact.
• An EPA study concluded that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.
• A study comparing women who work ouside the home with women who work at home , found a 54% higher risk of developing cancer in women who work at home. The study concluded that this is a direct result of the chemicals in household products.
• On average, poison centers handle one poison call every 1.5 seconds
• 89% of all poison exposures occur in the home
• 92% of exposures involve only one poisonous substance
• 2,403,539 human exposures to poisons were reported in 2006
• 8.9% of the human exposures involved household cleaning substances
• Cleaning substances are the 3rd most common reason for exposure to poison in adults
• 51% of the human exposures to poison in 2006 involved children under 6 years old
• Household cleaning substances are the second most common reason for pediatric exposure to poison
• Household cleaning substances are the second most common reason for pediatric exposure to poison
• Unintentional ingestion of toxic household chemicals is associated with an annual average of 39 deaths to children under age 5, and an estimated 87,700 children treated in hospital emergency rooms. These poisoning incidents resulted in an estimated societal cost of almost $2.3 billion.
• Americans generate over 38 million tons of hazardous waste per year
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